
PirateWalla not working.

Anonymous 15 years ago updated by Kevin Lohman 14 years ago 4
Since I updated to iOS4 PirateWalla doesn't work anymore. It shows any item it finds as an item I need, wich kind of take away the whole idea with the program. I tried to re-install the program and I'm sure my username is correct. I use iPhone 3G.


Temporary issue due to API?
No, that wasn't the problem. When I tried to use the "Find better issue numbers"-function the problem was the same, every item was worth getting according to the program. When trying to calculate my GCD-score it couldn't find any items to calculate on. BUT...for some reason the problem has been solved. The day before yesterday Piratewalla all of a sudden started working again.
Temporary issue due to API?
Thanks for the update Christian, the Gowalla API can be a little unpredictable some times.
I still have the same problem. I started using the app ysterday, so I can't tell if this is a new issue or the same old as mentioned above?
Your issue is actually because of this problem: http://logichigh.userecho.com/feedback/29469-piratewalla-error-miscount/ and a fix has been submitted to the store.