Logic High Software Projects.

Domacy - App loads, asks to use location, I select yes, and it crashes. Am using iPhone 3g with previous OS.

Анонім 14 років тому оновлено Kevin Lohman 14 років тому 0
As above
Kevin Lohman 14 років тому
Haven't heard any further reports of this. Must have nipped it.

Entitlements are not valid error for 1.2 RC1

Анонім 14 років тому оновлено Kevin Lohman 14 років тому 3
Just tried installing this and syncing my itunes, now I'm getting "The application "Domacy" was not installed on the iPhone [name] because the entitlements are not valid."

I've deleted the app off my iPhone 3GS and iTunes as well as deauthorizing and reauthorizing my iTunes, still getting the error.
Kevin Lohman 14 років тому
This was an issue with the provisioning profile and has been fixed.

PirateWalla 2.6 gets stuck in Countin' Yer Booty

Jonas Bjorkert 14 років тому оновлено Kevin Lohman 14 років тому 6
Upgraded to 2.6, the app get stuck in Countin' Yer Booty. Tried reboot, uninstall, install, killing the apps - nothing helps. The same happens for both Dig treasure and gcd score. iOS 4.01, iPhone 3Gs 32GB, jailbroken with jailbreakme.com.
Kevin Lohman 14 років тому
Fixed. Will be available in 2.7.

PirateWalla does not work

Анонім 14 років тому оновлено Kevin Lohman 14 років тому 0
I paid for your app as you said in your sales description that it would be kept up to date with the changing Gowalla API. It doesn't work, it doesn't know what items I have got . You say in your sales piece that you charge as you keep it up to date. I suggest you do what you say or stop selling it - I feel like I have been ripped off
Kevin Lohman 14 років тому
Please download 2.6

If you are still having issues let me know.


Анонім 14 років тому оновлено Kevin Lohman 14 років тому 0
all it does is crash and cant make a username
Kevin Lohman 14 років тому
Fixed version 1.1

Product Error when trying to view items in the updated version.

Harley Quin 13 років тому оновлено Kevin Lohman 13 років тому 10

Error shows as

Product Error
Unable to find information regarding item location product :(

This is with any item the new dig functionality finds.

This happened after installing the latest update 3.01 I have also tried doing a reboot of my device and no joy there either

Kevin Lohman 13 років тому

Turns out it just need time in Apple's servers to become available :/  Working now.  You will need to close and quite the PirateWalla app and relaunch in order to get the product data.


Є відповідь

Crash crash crash

Mads Furu 14 років тому оновлено Kevin Lohman 14 років тому 0
PirateWalla is still not working. It gets stuck counting my booty. Tried reboot and reinstall. Nothing works. An upgrade coming out soon?
Kevin Lohman 14 років тому
This issue has been fixed. Patch was submitted to Apple... always takes a few days. Duplicate of http://logichigh.userecho.com/feedback/6764-piratewalla-26-gets-stuck-in-countin-yer-booty/

Searching error

Harley Quin 13 років тому оновлено Kevin Lohman 13 років тому 0
When searching and there is more than one item at the location the 2nd item will not load the place details, just current location

Due to the issue with private profiles I have to use a friends profile and it brings up items i already have, this means that any time it brings up an item in a location, even if i have it, i have to check the location to see what else is there just incase there is an item i need in it.
Kevin Lohman 13 років тому

This was fixed in the latest.


Piratewalla incorrectly reporting items...

Stuart Reeve 13 років тому оновлено Kevin Lohman 13 років тому 19
When using piratewalla to search for items, it will come up showing an item has been found and show a spot. However, the item is not at the spot it shows.

Perhaps it might be easier to turn the correct location pin a different colour.

Either way, it's not showing correctly.
Kevin Lohman 13 років тому

This was fixed in 2.71